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OK, thanks? but what is ACM SIGGRAPH?
Why should I join?
Who's running this show?
What is the meaning of life?

LI ACM SIGGRAPH is the Long Island chapter of ACM SIGGRAPH, an international organization of computer graphics professionals, students and other interested bystanders. Our members live and/or work in Nassau and Suffolk Counties on the beautiful fish-shaped island that juts out into the Atlantic Ocean east of New York City.

Our purpose is to foster local interest and promote local activities that fit within the scope of the main ACM SIGGRAPH organization-and to have a really good excuse to hang out together once a month or so and talk about stuff other people don't understand. It makes us feel superior.

OK, thanks..but what is ACM SIGGRAPH?
Oh, that. ACM stands for "Association for Computing Machinery." SIGGRAPH stands for "Special Interest Group in Computer Graphics"...but really, you don't need to know that, we're not going to test you or anything.

Their mission: to boldly go where no man has....oops, sorry.

SIGGRAPH's mission is to promote the generation, acquisition, dissemination and exchange of information and opinion on the theory, design, implementation and application of computer graphics and interactive techniques to facilitate communication and understanding.

That's from the main SIGGRAPH website, which has lots of other information and cool stuff about computer graphics. Here's the link if you want to visit their site.

Why should I join?
(1) You'll get to see all kinds of interesting animation demos, meet people in the business, and go to cool places to see their equipment and the stuff they're working on. Click here to learn about some of our past events and activities.
(2) You'll get to eat-we serve refreshments at every meeting.
(3) You might be able to write off the dues on your taxes. Check with your accountant, of course, but it works for most of us. Remember, December 31st is right around the corner!

Note of interest: if you were with us at the Acclaim Entertainment tour, you can use your receipt from that event as a coupon toward your membership dues. This is a one-time offer that won't be repeated, so don't miss out!

Come on, join us. Click here and you'll be on your way to the magical world of LI ACM SIGGRAPH membership.

Who's running this show?
Paul Lipsky is our president/chairperson/dictator. He's a professor of communication arts, specializing in computer animation, at New York Institute of Technology. He also has something like 15 years experience as a professional 3-D animator and has won some awards for his work. You can visit his personal website by clicking here.

Truth is, we humor Paul and let him think he's in charge, but if he gets annoying, we'll squash him like a bug! Really, everyone contributes and has a say in what goes on. It's all very communal sometimes we even sing folk songs together. Just kidding.

What is the meaning of life?
Well, we're serving both bagels and donuts at our next meeting. What does that tell you?